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Content is King, Data is Currency & UX is Queen!

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Content is King, Data is Currency & UX is Queen!

We all know the importance of Content, be it any domain i.e. Video, publishing, education etc. With so many unique players globally and locally in India, creating new content everyday for different segments in society, content surely remains a key aspect in the overall ecosystem. There is tremendous fan following of global series like Game of Thrones, 13 Reasons Why, Sense8 etc and local content such as TVF, AIB etc in India. All these series (and others) now enjoys special status and are part of conversations around and have spurned a whole new industry. Majority of the content is short, around social issues, humor, pop culture and without any special effects like grandeur Hollywood/Bollywood stuff. But even in the basic form, it has struck a cord with all age groups and cultures. Content surely is The King.

The data around content is not a new buzzword, and has been around for decades. But the traditional data around content mainly consists of meta data including, genre, cast, synopsis, basic images etc. What is being seen now (infact for some time), is the lookout for data within the content. The impact of video on human behavior or learning is immense and therefore, the quest to deep dive into the data within content is even bigger. Identifying objects within video is achievable now and the user engagement or monitoring behavior (VR, activity on mobile etc) during a specific part of content can help advertisers to target the most likeliest of potential users. This kind of data can help content creators to generate content that can generate more user engagement and also revenue. Potential applications include identifying the products/dresses (retail), locations (travel industry) to point the ads towards users at specific points. With more and more data being extracted from within the content and external factors, both content and ads can be targeted to micro levels. The data actually is the New currency and provides power to both users and service providers.

With both content and data, the next important dimension in the Digital paradigm is UX (User experience). The visual designs are actually the face of any brand. The UX is not only limited to how a specific information is seen but the way it is presented in the grand scheme. The intuitive UX can engage a customer for longer periods even indirectly force him to come back again and again. The UX has to be tightly coupled with the needs of users and intent of product. To get the UX right is no easy feat and needs lot of careful study and observation around user behavior. Like in the game of chess, the queen is more powerful than the King himself. In Digital world as well, the Queen (UX) seemingly enjoys the sense of power over the King, though maybe not as distinctive as in chess but still, the strength prevails. The debate goes on though, be it real world or the virtual world. :)

With the virtuous King (content), intrigue Queen (UX) and dependable Currency (data), you can rule the worlds (both Digital and Physical).

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